These cute little tykes were asked to pose for a Coca Cola magazine ad. Jack and Jean Roberts are sitting at the Roberts Drug Store soda fountain around 1951-52. Jack is a third generation pharmacist. His grandfather, Arthur John, came from Chicago to open a pharmacy in Belleville. His son, James H. Roberts, was also a pharmacist who attended the University of Wisconsin. At one point, the senior Roberts sold the Belleville store and returned to Illinois. But in 1946, Dr. Hicks of New Glarus contacted Arthur about starting a pharmacy in New Glarus, which he did. Meanwhile, son Jim had completed college and joined Arthur in New Glarus. Jack also attended UW Madison in pharmacy and joined his dad in the family business in 1971.
(Photo courtesy of Arnold Kehrli, Jr.)
Cheers! This dandy group of men in front of the M.F. Hoesly Saloon (now Toffler's) is toasting to some happy event. We haven't been able to find out what the event was, and only some of the men in the front row are identified. From left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, Jake Trachsel, father of Ethel (Albert) Elmer, unknown, Casper and Fred Heimann, cousins of Arnold Kehrli, from Monroe. Notice the man in what looks like a train conductor's uniform, sporting a large boutonniere. Mark F. Hoesly bought the saloon from Peter Zweifel in 1872 and converted it into a hotel.
(Photo courtesy of Nordean and Lillian Hoesly)
Miloe Hoesly graduated at 16 with the available two years of high school. That summer he spent three months attending the Green County Normal School in Monroe. In the fall, Miloe became a teacher of these 24 students at the Spring Valley School - the class of 1913-1914. Located two miles north of New Glarus on Highway 69, the school sat on the foundations of the now Jim Donahue home. The wooden door on the lean-to was the entrance and used for wood storage. The water pump was outside. Miloe (born in 1897) lived on the home farm, now the beautiful Spring Valley Bed and Breakfast. It is with great admiration that we honor Miloe Hoesly. Front row (left to right): Wilbert Elmer, John Blum, Herbert Elmer, Harold Cates, Miloe Hoesly, teacher. Back row: Bertha Waefler Elmer, Viola Freitag Stuessy, Alice Legler Marty, Louisa Blum Schneider, Louise Argue Gust, Emma Waefler Klassy, Anna Disch Haegeli, Anna Cates Nagel, Alice Becker Dietz, Rose Sonsteby Glaeden, Ellen Disch Kohler, Edna Legler Schneider, Meta Legler Hefty, Martha Disch Dublin, Grisella Schmid Harkin, Clara Becker Ott, Rosa Waefler Keener, Jennie Argue Kuhlman, Martha Legler, Alma Disch Miller.
(Photo courtesy of Nordean and Lillian Hoesly)
These New Glarus sharpshooters of 1939-40 won 24 games straight and lost to Beloit at the sectional tournament by only four points. Beloit went on to the state tournament. There were only eight teams competing for the state title. Wins included Edgewood College, Lake Geneva, Whitewater, and Monroe (three times). They won the title of State Line League champs in 1940. Back row (left to right): Richard Gmur, Fred Thacker, Kenneth Streiff, Nordean Hoesly, Gordon Henning, Delmar Zentner. Middle row: Roy Hefty, Art Zweifel, Palmer Strickler, Merlin Duerst, James Kaeser, Coach Ed Gueth. Front row: Managers Ralph Keppler and Harold Kubly.
(Photo courtesy of Wilma Babler)
In the summer of 1902 the village purchased a coal-fired generator to run an electric plant. On the left is the boiler and engine which generated steam to run the wheels that produce the electricity. The engine was located in the back room of the present Light and Water Department. 1920 was the end of this method of producing electricity. From that time on, electricity was available 24 hours a day. Prior to this, the light plant quit generating at 11 PM unless a wedding dance was going on. If the party needed lights, the wedding couple paid light employees extra money to keep operating.
(Photo courtesty of Norma Itten)
Kindergarten class in 1911. New Glarus provided Kindergarten classes around 1900 after moving to the brick school in 1896. This class was taught by Louise Grebe.
(Phot courtesy of Mert and Olga Colney)
The crowning of the New Glarus Dairy Queen has always been an important event. The 1965 Dairy Queen JoAnn Hoesly will be handing over her reigns to Bonnie Hustad. Front (left to right): Bonnie (Hustad) Whalen, daughter of Rollie and Betty Hustad; Beth (Luchsinger) Sandlin, daughter of Willis and Lennys Luchsinger; JoAnn (Hoesly) Aebly, daughter of Bob and Olga Hoesly; Trudy (Elmer) Pulver, daughter of Alvin and Mavis Elmer. Back row: Emcees of the event were Mert Colney and Marsh Ingwell.
(Photo courtesy of Mrs. Amelia Hoesly)
What appears to be a young chain gang is a school drill team about 1909. Left to right: Leamon Gross, Fred Luchsinger, Floyd Marty, Ed Haegele, William Schmidt, Herman D. Hefty, John Haegele, Walter Stuessy.
(Photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)
One of the most colorful parts of the annual Wilhelm Tell festival is the appearance of the Tell usherettes, dressed in traditional costumes of the Swiss Cantons. Front row (left to right): Marie Zimmerli Martin, Marie Streiff Slotten, Hazel Urben, Phyllis Duerst Foster, Jean Zweifel Adams, Marion Zentner Streiff. Middle row: Diana Bartle Peterson, Inez Hefty Bligard, Betsy Henning Robb, Ruth Hoesly Trierweiler, Mary Meythaler Donnelly, Barbara Reardon Lester, Dorothy Engler Urben, Rught Theiler Gothner. Back row: Betty Kneubeuhl Vetterli, Marion Frederickson Streiff, Marion McQuillon Halverson, Carol Hoesly Diekroeger, Delores Glaeden Johnson, Barbara Meythaler Norris, Miriam Theiler Abplanalp, Marie Stuckey Reuter.
(Photo courtesy of Hans and Ruth Anderegg)
Some quotes go down in history like Art Luthi's quote about this football team of 1956: Hard as nails, tough as bricks. Front row (left to right): Al Boll, Dick Paulson, Phil Duerst, Ron Martinson, Bill Kuenzi Jr., Bob Willoughby, Tom Rosca, Eugene Wild, Richard Kittleson. Middle row: Art Luthi, Jerry Duerst, Gary Albertson, Richard Wyttenbach, Dave Yaeger, Willie Ruef, Dave Zweifel, Doug Paulson, Gregg Schuett, Leroy Goecks. Back row: Stan Pauli, Bob Weber, Nathan Jones, Al Mueller, Dave Hefty, Hans Anderegg, Don Schneider, John Grossenbacher, Charles Hicks, Richard Sarbacher.
(Photo courtesy of Viola and Sylvan Truttmann)
Six farmers with wagons are lined up waiting to leave their day's milk at the Apple Grove cheese factory at Postville. Viola Truttmann's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Alder, are standing next to their children, Pauline (Viola's mother) and little Eddie Alder. The Alders made cheese here for 17 years and this picture is believed to have been taken around 1905.
(Photo courtesy of Kathleen Schultz)
In 1907, the Frauenverein (which means Ladies Aid) of the Swiss Reformed Church was organized. This picture was taken sometime between 1907 and 1913 when Rev. Anton Roth was pastor. Bottom row (left to right): Barbara Werndli, Anna (Emil) Kaeser, Bertha (Fred) Ott, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Stuessy, Katie (William) Eichelkraut, Mary (Werner) Zentner, Katie (Oswald) Altman, Anna Kundert, unknown. Second row: Emma (Rev. Anton) Roth, Mrs. Pius Truttmann (in back), Mrs. Bartley Kundert, Mrs. Dave Hoesly, Maria Kundert, Barbara (Fridolin) Streiff, Katharina Eichelkraut, unknown, Mollie Legler, unknown, Elsbeth (Peter) Streiff, unknown, Ellen Stuessy. Third row: Agatha Hoesly, Barbara (Dietrich) Stauffacher, Mrs. Emmanuel Streiff, Mrs. Dave Kundert, Lisetta (Casper) Schmid, Emma (John) THeiler, Kathryn (Nic) Zweifel, Lena (Henry) Hoesly. Back row: unknown, Mrs. Zoff, Anna Duerst, Mrs. Henry Marty, unknown, unknown, Mollie Schlatter, Mrs. Isaac Schultz, Mrs. Jacob Zwickey, unknown, unknown, unknown, Bertha Hefty, Lena Streiff, Alma Kundert, Mrs. Jac. Zwickey, unknown, unknown.
(Photo courtesy of Hazel Becker)
Listen closely and you'll hear the sleigh bells ringing. The white two-story on the left was a school built in 1866 or 1868 at the cost of $1500 (now The Bramble Patch). We know this picture was taken after 1901 because the Salomon-Stuessy building (now the Glarner Stube) was built before The Bank of New Glarus was built on the corner in 1910. The school had already been abandoned for the new brick school on the hill in 1896.