Friends of the New Glarus Public Library

The Friends of the New Glarus Public Library is a non-profit community volunteer organization dedicated to improving local library services and facilities.  The Friends organize activities and programs and purchase materials that are beyond the regular Library budget.

The Friends of the Library meet at 5 PM on the third Thursday of the month. Become a member of the Friends!

Friends Events & Activities:

  • Friends Meetings – Monthly meetings focus on ways to support the Library and planning for upcoming projects. They meet on the third Thursday of the month. Contact the Library (608-527-2003) for more details.
  • Annual Booksale – Probably the most visible event (and the single biggest money-maker) that the Friends tackle each year, the sale is held Labor Day weekend during New Glarus’ Wilhelm Tell festival.
  • New Baby Packages – Parents of new babies in the New Glarus area are mailed a special package from the Friends all about the joy of reading and using the Library.
  • Public Performance Movie License – Generously paid for by the Friends, this annual license allows the Library to show popular feature films as part of its regular programming.
  • Popcorn Machine – This recent purchase has added greatly to the Library’s movie events.
  • Equipment & Furnishings – Over the years the Friends have generously donated much-needed equipment and furnishings to the Library: a digital camera, DVD player, large display case, a return box for fragile media, and a bookcase for new and holiday picture books.

Book Sale Donations

We are able to accept small donations (1-2 boxes or bags) at the library during regular business hours.  For larger donations, please contact us ahead of your visit.  (We may be able to arrange for a member of the Friends to come to your house to pick up large donations.)

We accept donations of gently used books, audiobooks on CD, CDs, and DVDs throughout the year.  We are unable to accept textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines, or items with water/mildew damage.  We are happy to provide you with documentation of your donation for tax purposes.


Donating Funds

If you'd like to support library programs and operations via a tax deductible monetary gift to the Friends, we thank you kindly!

Cash or check (made out to FNGPL) donations can be dropped off at the library (319 2nd St).

You can also donate via PayPal:




Join the Friends Today!

You can be a Friend of the Library by donating your time, talents, or membership dues.  If you’d like to take an active part in the Friends activities, simply call the New Glarus Public Library (608-527-2003) and the Library staff will connect you with one of the members of the Friends.