How to Donate

We welcome your donation to the

New Glarus Library Capital Campaign Fund!


Please see our recent Press Release regarding the Library Building Project.

All donations to the Capital Campaign are administered by the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin (CFSW).

To donate by check, make a recurring gift, or donate stocks, please download a pledge form or pick one up from the library during open hours.

To donate by credit card, please visit the CFSW site and click "Give Now."  Enter "New Glarus Library Capital Campaign Fund" in the search box to ensure your donation goes to the new library.

Matching Gifts
Your gift to New Glarus Public library may be doubled by your employer - or sometimes even your former employer.

Many companies encourage charitable gifts through MATCHING GIFTS PROGRAM.

Doubling your gift to NGPL can be as easy as 1-2-3.
1. Contact your Human Resources office for guidelines and a matching gift form.
2. Spouses and retirees may be eligible.
3. Fill out the employee portion of the form. Mail the rest of the form to NGPL.

Please check with your employer today to see if your company participates in a matching gift program.