Building Project Overview


Building Project - Recent News

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Building Project History & Archives

On July 5th, the Town of New Glarus accepted an offer from the Village of New Glarus to purchase the Town Hall property (26 5th Avenue) to build a new public library. Additionally, the Swiss United Church of Christ accepted an offer to sell a portion of their property just north of the Town Hall to create a site large enough for the new library. The Village, Town, Church, and Library Board have all worked closely and quickly to make this deal happen in time for a grant application deadline that could potentially provide this library project a $4.25 million grant. Grant award announcements will be made no later than October 1, 2024.  For further information, our board minutes are available under the "Building Project History & Archives" link above.

Not finding what you're looking for? The Library Board welcomes your questions. You can reach all the trustees via email (libraryboard [at] (libraryboard[at]ngpl[dot]org)) or you may call the library at 527-2003 for the phone numbers of individual trustees.

For further information, our board minutes are available under the "More" tab on the homepage