We're happy to help you print, copy, scan or fax documents.
Black & White print/copy |
$.10/page |
Color print/copy | $.50/page |
Scan | Free (max 8.5"x14", 600 dpi) |
Fax |
Free to send. |
Public Computers
The library has three computers that are available first-come, first-served for 1 hour at a time. Computers are connected to the internet and are equipped with word processing software. They are connected to the library printer.
Wireless Printing
You can send your files from any device using our Wireless Printing service. Send your documents to the secure server, then come pick them up at the library.
For anything urgent, call ahead: 608-527-2003.
To send your files:
From your home computer, visit the website: https://tbs.eprintit.com/portal/#/ppl/upload/NGPL.
From your phone or tablet, download the Public Print Location (ePRINTit) app:

You can also email files to staff [at] ngpl.org.
B&W Printer: tbs-NGPL-bw [at] eprintitservice.com (tbs-NGPL-bw[at]eprintitservice[dot]com)
Color Printer: tbs-NGPL-color [at] eprintitservice.com (tbs-NGPL-color[at]eprintitservice[dot]com)