2007 Bank of New Glarus calendar


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)

Shown are John Theiler, S.A. Schindler, Jake Legler, unknown, unknown, Albert Schlatter, and Henry Hoesly, year unknown.  The schutzenhaus was constructed in 1907.


(photo courtesy of Kaye Gmur)

Robi's Yodel Club waitstaff, 1965.  First row:  Jo Ellen (Ott) Schaefer, Barbara (Aslakson) Hanson, Gerneen Zurkirchen, Delayne Retrum, Betty Henning, Virginia Ryser, Mary Wacholz, Sheila Hughes.  Back row:  Annette Schneider, Lynnette (Duerst) Ivey, Berta Puempel, Emmy Lienhardt, Charlotte Nelson, Shirley Postler, Marion Streiff, Margarett Anderegg, Sue (Yaun) Pope.  Robi Schneider purchased the club in 1959 from Ida Zurkirchen.  The establishment is now known as the New Glarus Hotel.


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)

New Glarus Yodel Club, approximately 1960.  Left to right: Paul Grossenbacher, Ernest Wieland, Robi Schneider, Ernst Jaggi, Ernie Stauffer, Ernst Thierstien, Gottleib Brandli, Betty Vetterli, Hans Anderegg Sr., Johnny B. Schneider, Hans Neuenschwander, Herman Matzinger, Karl Luescher, Norbert Meier, and Willi Ruef, Sr.  The group posed in front of the chalet-style home of Ernst Thierstein.


(photo courtesy of Lennys Luchsinger)

Nurses Aide Class, New Glarus Home, 1974.  Front row:  Cheryl Briggs, Betsy Knobel, Elaine Vamstad, Jean Bruns, Deb Maurer, Karen Sponem, Sharon Hustad Ziegler.  Back row:  Dee Roth, Julie Flannery, Cindy Hanna, Alice Dallman, Nancy Zweifel, Isabelle O'Brien, Jane Phillipson (teacher), Lenny Luchsinger.


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)

Levitan & Stuessy Store, about 1910.  Behind the counter is Amelia Hoesly, niece of co-owner Henry Stuessy.


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)

New Glarus Quilters, 1958.  Front row:  Mrs. Bertha Ott, Mrs. Annie Duerst, Mrs. Maria Anna Legler.  Second row:  Mrs. Alda Kubly, Mrs. Ella Strahm, Mrs. Emma Hefty, Mrs. Lydia Schindler.


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)

50th wedding anniversary of John and Dorathea Legler, 1911.  The large group shown is probably made up mostly of the Leglers' 11 children, their spouses, and grandchildren.  John came to New Glarus with the original group of Swiss settlers as a young child.  Dorathea arrived in the United States in 1849 at five years of age.  John and Dorathea passed away within six weeks of each other in 1912.


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)

Volksfest, or Swiss Independence Day, 1895. The white, two-story building is the current location of the Bramble Patch at 102 5th Avenue.  In the background, to the left, is the original Swiss Church.


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)

Plain View School, 1948.  Front row:  Roger Sponem, Diane Truttmann.  Second row: Vernon Melland, Janice Funseth, Claudette Truttmann, Linda Funseth, Harold Sponem.  Third row:  Mabel Hamilton Schoch.


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)

New Glarus Schools Faculty, 1924-25.  Left to right: Mr. Roy Meythaler, Mrs. Apalonia Zweifel, Mr. M.E. Tidd (principal), Miss Ada Anderson, Miss Stella Bestul, Miss Lydia Stauffacher, Miss Gladys Walker, Mrs. Ruth Tibbits, Mr. William Meikle, Miss Wilma Luchsinger, Miss Ione Giles.


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society

Look closely at this familiar building in New Glarus.  In 1953, when this photo was taken, the current home of Small World Childcare was New Glarus's only movie theater.  The building was constructed in 1950 and owned by Fred Lienhardt.  It replaced the previous theater, which was part of the New Glarus Hotel, also owned by the Lienhardt family.


(photo courtesy of the New Glarus Historical Society)

Take a look at this jovial group, complete with cigars.  The year is unknown, most likely the early 1900s.  Front row:  Lucien Smith, Tim Luchsinger, and Joe Gmur.  Back row:  Rudy Lengacher, Fred Gmur, and Scott Hilton.

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