(Photo courtesy of Otto and Hazel Puempel)
The New Glarus High School basketball team was ready for action in the school year of 1915-16. Standing are (left to right): Charlie Tollefson, Meyer Katz, Chick Bruni, Gus Hefty, Harry Cooley. Seated: Melvin Engler, Robert Marty, Leroy "Rip" Kubly, O.D. Curtis
(Photo courtesy of Otto and Hazel Puempel)
A pause to refresh was enjoyed in front of Puempels Tavern, circa 1911. Left to right: Gabe Scheisser, Morris Steiner, ? Stark, Joe Puempel, B. Puempel, Albert Wolf, ? Fossbind, and Matt Haldiman at the wheelbarrow. Standing in the back by the door was Zentner - brewmaster for the New Glarus Brewery.
(Photo courtesy of Robert B. Skuldt)
From a postcard from Burnett Skuldt to his parents, the K.B. Skuldts of Mt. Horeb, dated April 28, 1916: "Dear Folks, Some picturr isn't it. They are all Overlands, and sold at that. Have two more car loads coming. Lovingly, Burnett." Four carloads are pictured.
(Photo courtesy of Chuck Phillipson)
In the spring of 1947, New Glarus's young men's fancy turned to softball. Standing are (left to right): Duane Erickson, Sylvan Erickson, Elmon "Pete" Ott, Coach Selmer Syftestad, Irv Sarbacher, Rollie Hustad, Harold Kubly. In the center are Bud Phillipson and Fritz Neunschwander. Front row: Norman Haegele, Chuck Zweifel, Lee Fiez, Erling Erickson, Earl Erickson, and Cloyance Zweifel.
(Photo courtesy of Nancy Zweifel)
In 1927, New Glarus High School proudly presented its graduating class. Clockwise from top: Gertrude Eichelkraut (Burki), Anna Kehrli (Matzinger), Fern Hoesly (Ferris), Adel Anderson, Phyllis Legler (Conrad), Olive Spaulding (Jorenby), Adeline Kubly (Reuter), Viola Kundert (Hansen), Alvin Streiff, Hilda Altmann (Blumer), Paula Bischofberger (Hefty), Hilda Legler (Durst), and Harvey Ott.
(Photo courtesy of Otto and Hazel Puempel)
The "force" at the "Condenceing" plant took time out for a photo session. The plant started operating in 1910. This picture is circa 1911. First row: ? Bauman, Anna Klassy, Sylvia Jenny (Wallen), Elma Bruni, Mrs. Paul Gerich (Miller), Grace Luchsinger, Anna Grunder, Rosa Klassy, Fanny Jenny (Mrs. Elmer Glen) Louisa Mittmen, Elsie Bauman, Willie Grunder, Walter Schindler, Leroy Kubly, Gottlieb Grunder. Second row: Phillip Marty, Roy Marty, Hugo "Hooks" Beichel, Paul Jackson (the filling room boss), John Zopf, Kaiser (the plant manager), Emil Kaiser, Cap Fiez, Henry Schmidt, unidentified, John Bruni, Art "Boogi" Gmur, Bill Klassy. Third row: unidentified, Ernst Miller, Hank Klassy, Emil Kubly, Henry Opferman, ? Schiesser, John Biggert, Hank Fischer, Albert Wolf, Jake Bruni. Fourth row: Marurn Bets, Otto Potts, John Marty, Oliver STamm, Martin Opferman, unidentified, Batte Oherst, Geiger, unidentified, unidentified.
Archival photo, New Glarus Historical Society
Levitan Stuessy Co. Department Store float at the Band reunion of 1912.
(Photo courtesy of Wilhelm Tell Guild archives)
The Wilhelm Tell family as portrayed by Robert Feller, Margaret Stuessy, Oswald Schneider, and Armin Gafner.
(Photo courtesy of Wilhelm Tell Guild archives)
The allegiance of the three cantons sworn by leaders from Uri (Clayton Streiff), Schweiz (Henry M. Schmid), and Unterwald (J.J. Figi)
(Photo courtesy of Wilhelm Tell Guild archives)
High drama enacted by (left to right) Robert Meier, Ernest Wieland, Emil Von Arx, Oswald Schneider, Leo Anderegg, Hans Anderegg, Ernest Thierstein, Hans Leuenberger, and Milo Hoesly.
(Photo courtesy of Wilhelm Tell Guild archives)
Imposing tyrant Gessler as played by Paul Grossenbacher, a New Glarus dairyman.
(Photo courtesy of Otto and Hazel Puempel)
The food was outstanding at Puempel's Dining Room. At the time of this gathering in 1916, room and board could be purchased at the rate of $7 per week for 3 meals each day. Mrs. B. Puempel, Carl Buechtol, and Joe Puempel are the waiters. Justice of the Peace Henry Schmid is seated at the left front.
(Photo courtesy of Gene Stuessy)
New Glarus Hardware Company displayed its bounteous wares, circa 1913. Note "extraordinary offer" for Robeson butcher knife at a whopping 8 cents!